To lift someone up in prayer on our palanca prayer line
please contact our palanca chairperson:
Dolores Pace,

Palanca is the Spanish word for “lever,” which helps a person or group move something that is beyond their strength. It means praying and/or sacrificing something for another person or group. Palanca gives us the power to do things that could not be done without the grace and power of God.  Without God we are powerless, but with God we are full of His power and our prayers and sacrifices can heal, open hearts, save a marriage, move mountains, etc.

As Cursillistas, we are part of a praying and sacrificing community and below are some ways we implement palanca. Contact the Palanca Coordinator for more information about each opportunity.

Prayer Line: This group of people prays and sacrifices for the needs of others and themselves in order to serve God by serving His people.  They receive the Prayer Line weekly via e-mail 

Footprints:  There is a Cursillista praying for the team and candidates during every hour while the weekend in session. Each hour is a “footprint.” 

Sign up for a specific hour of the day for upcoming weekends by clicking the link below:

              Women's 67th Cursillo Weekend        Nov. 4 - Nov. 7, 2010

Meals:  The Cursillo community provides all the meals for the duration of the weekend..  Signup sheets for meal donation are available at all upcoming Ultreyas.

Posters: Decorating the Rollo Room at each weekend are letters and posters from Cursillo groups around the country and world. This shows the candidates that people everywhere are praying for them. Create a poster for an upcoming weekend here or elsewhere to be signed by Cursillistas at an Ultreya or School of Leaders.

Holy Hour:  While a weekend is in progress, a Holy Hour is held in a local church. A religious leader guides Cursillistas in prayer, the rosary, and adoration as we pray for the team and candidates. Attend a Holy Hour on the Friday of each weekend.

Prayer and Sacrifice Requests:  Members of the Cursillo community are asked to pray and sacrifice for candidates during a weekend. Letters or short notes may be sent to a candidate and team member explaining your method of prayer or sacrifice for them.

Weekend Team PrayerPrayer strips are distributed to members of the Cursillo community so that specific Team Members are kept in prayer throughout the preparation for and implementation of the weekend.  

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