Cursillo in Christianity
All communities are working very hard in living Cursillo authentic to the Charism. We are always looking at ways that each community becomes involved in the entire Cursillo Community. We have two Regional Encounters each year, Spring and Fall. Again we are blessed that they are well attended by each community. We are always looking for new ways to bring the brothers and sisters in Region XI together and closer in their faith walk with Christ. |
National Cursillo Encounter2015 Nation Encounter Date: July 23-26, 2015 @ Villanova University in Philadelphia, PA. Registration information will be posted here as soon as it becomes available.
While you are on the website, be sure to visit the "Resouce Center" and listen to rollos from last year's encounter. The talks are excellent.
Cursillos in ChristianityView the photos from the 2014 Regional Fall Encounter in Fresno, October 3-5, 2014 (Opens in new window.) 2015 Region XI Encounter Dates:Spring 2015: May 1-3 @ the Ryan Center in Fresno
Regional Coordinators